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first combination manipulation

PostPosted: Sat Jun 27, 2015 6:21 pm
by blinkoj
Ive lurked for a while, and read a lot of documentation, so i decided to try my first manipulation. after some confusion, i managed to make the first graph, but something is off about it. the only indications i see are showing the opposite of a gate, they actually get wider! I received advise to isolate which wheel was indicating around 75-85 on RCP as that is the only thing that remotely resembles a gate, so thats what ill be doing next. In the meantime if anyone can point out my mistakes, or point me on the right path with this wonky graph, i would greatly appreciate it.


Re: first combination manipulation

PostPosted: Sun Jun 28, 2015 8:44 am
by jharveee
Looks to me as if your Left and Right contact points are reversed.?

Re: first combination manipulation

PostPosted: Sun Jun 28, 2015 1:45 pm
by capt-dunc
i like the look of 68 ish, either fine dial around there or re-graph AWR and see what that throws up.

Re: first combination manipulation

PostPosted: Sun Jun 28, 2015 2:46 pm
by Anarchy_won
as a test I would try 15, 62, 85 (run through the 9 different combo's that they could be) just to see what would happen. :) (should only take a min or 5 to try it)

Re: first combination manipulation

PostPosted: Sun Jun 28, 2015 4:53 pm
by capt-dunc
ignore my suggestion of 68, i've just looked properly at your scale and realised why your graph looks weird, Anarchy_won has it spot on numbers wise. it's usual to plot low numbers at the bottom of the axis going up towards the top of the page. you've created a kind of mixed up negative graph, if you cut your piece of paper in half and stick it back together with the 2 graph lines swapped over you'll have a good looking graph which will read right.

Re: first combination manipulation

PostPosted: Mon Jun 29, 2015 1:45 am
by femurat
Very good graph for a first attempt. I agree usually the graph represents the area between contact points, so you should make the new ones with 5 on top and 97 at bottom.

I'd amplify readings around 15, let's say between 12 and 18, to find this gate center.
Then I'd perform a hi-low test to see which wheel it's on.

Then I'd check the other interesting areas of the graph... but first tell us what happens with this quick and easy test.

Cheers :)