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Failure may have been my saviour

PostPosted: Fri Aug 15, 2014 3:31 pm
by scudo
Just opened a can of beer last night had one sip and the phone rings, my son, his mate has got his car locked in a car park so can I come and pick the lock.
Me...No, cant do without permission.
Son the caretaker has agreed and we can even use bolt cutters if necessary.
Me ok will be there in 10 minutes.
Unknown to me they were going for the bolt cutters until my son suggested I may be able to pick it, I know most of their friends and apparently they were getting excited and having a laugh at sons dad coming over to pick the lock, but it was getting out of hand as they had by now in their enthusiasm set up a video camera and one was going to act as an interviewer while I did the job. Before leaving home I done a quick check on the lock and it was a 4-pin low security ( STA-LOK) by all accounts so I was confident.
Anyhow by the time I got there the caretaker had found the keyholder and the gate was open, apparently they tried to talk the keyholder out of opening it until I got there but he was having none of it.
After finding out they were going to video me I am pleased they got the gate opened as I think I was destined for utube that night either to mock my failure or to show off my was a close shave :-)

Re: Failure may have been my saviour

PostPosted: Fri Aug 15, 2014 7:50 pm
by GWiens2001
I'd say you certainly lucked out there, Scudo.


Re: Failure may have been my saviour

PostPosted: Sat Aug 16, 2014 8:47 pm
by Oldfast
haha! Yeah, I feel ya. I don't really care for the spotlight if I can avoid it. lol