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OUR nuclear plants

PostPosted: Tue Mar 15, 2011 10:04 am
by Riff
Quite a few of us here have BOBs (bug out bags). For those of you unaware what this is, it a bags of supplies that is put together ahead of time. It's for times of emergency that you have to get out of town FAST...
My question is this. I know that we have many nuclear power plants here in the U.S. What good is our BOB's thought if we are facing a radiation threat?? What worries me more than anything is a instability of our financial situation and/or a complete collapse one day. Do you guys believe that these plants will be taken care of if we have a total economic collapse??? Chaos???? I would think that it would be priority to keep these plants up and running correctly. If the SHTF one day I sure hope in all that chaos that these plants are taken care of. What Do you guys think???

Re: OUR nuclear plants

PostPosted: Tue Mar 15, 2011 11:17 am
by pin_pusher
would you estimate that the locks on the plants themselves would survive a meltdown? just bring a set of picks in your supply bag.

"it's pronounced nuke-clear" --homer simpson

Re: OUR nuclear plants

PostPosted: Wed Mar 16, 2011 2:06 am
by aka.decoy
Depends in what way the reactor gets fucked up, what kind of contamination is produced, and how they initially contain it. If it's solids or liquids, you've got a great chance. If it gets blowed up and airborne, you're pretty fucked.

Re: OUR nuclear plants

PostPosted: Wed Mar 16, 2011 7:13 am
by sandman
id say given the fact that there are hidden bunkers under the Denver International Airport, and in every major city (not populated by the unwanted type that is) i think they will let us crisis and die off and the upperclass white people will come out of their wholes after a year and start a new.
in Ann Rands book Atlas Shrugged, they all left to a secret place.
well i think the secret is to kill of all the undeserving assholes of society and then re establish their political intent on the world.

but im white and joining the military so i have nothing to worry about! hahahahahahahahahahaha

(you have just received another amazing non coheranc rant from the sandman, dont be alarmed, you will be ok)

Re: OUR nuclear plants

PostPosted: Sun Mar 20, 2011 8:21 am
by mdc5150
The only thing that worries me about the SHTF in this country is outside intervention by some place like say China that would have a financial interest on who wins the war. I don't know if nuclear fallout or radiation sickness is covered in it but you can get the army survival guide on your android phone now.

Re: OUR nuclear plants

PostPosted: Sun Mar 20, 2011 9:57 am
by xeo

Re: OUR nuclear plants

PostPosted: Sun Mar 20, 2011 8:27 pm
by HallisChalmers
Riff wrote: What worries me more than anything is a instability of our financial situation and/or a complete collapse one day.

If we have a situation where the core is destroyed, then you can figure on a Japanese scenario - only worse. The Japanese were consistently more aware of the dangers of a nuclear accidents from earthquakes and had regular drills.

Our gov't will fail us. That's a given. Look at what happened during Katrina. Everybody ran around flapping their arms and made clucking sounds. Add nuclear core meltdown and the folks here won't stand in line in an orderly fashion like the Japanese.

As far as a financial crisis, we're already dead. We just don't realize it yet. We've either monetized our national debt or sold it to the Chinese. They own us - they're just kind enough to let us live here until they decide to take ownership of it.

Look around and you'll see everybody moving away from the dollar. The OPEC nations are already looking at an alternative currency to base their price of a barrel of oil. It won't be the dollar, that's for sure. The European markets can't wait to bail on the dollar. They already are looking at a different basket of currencies.

Gold, guns, and bullets. That's what it will come down to.