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Despertador Videos

PostPosted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 6:40 am
by despertador
Hola a todos
aqui dejo esta apertura, espero que este sea el lugar adecuado para ponerla.
sineto mucho no conocer el idioma
un saludo!!
Hello to all
Here I leave this opening, hope that this one is the place adapted to put it.
I am sorry not to know very much the language
A greeting!!

[Edit: Changed title to reflect your video thread - HC]

Re: ABUS W14 ( despertador)

PostPosted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 6:59 am
by bezza1
great job mate

Re: ABUS W14 ( despertador)

PostPosted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 10:07 pm
by HallisChalmers
Please change the title of this post to "Despertador Videos" and post all future picking videos under this thread.

Por favor cambie el titulo de este post a "Despertador Videos" y todos sus futuro videos van acqui.

Re: Despertador Videos

PostPosted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 4:07 pm
by despertador
Gracias bezza1..
disculpa HallisChalmers..... el idioma no me ayuda, intentare hacerlo mejor...
Thank you bezza1..
Excuse HallisChalmers ..... the language does not help me, it will try to make it better...

Re: Despertador Videos

PostPosted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 4:26 pm
by xeo
Very interesting hook pick you used there, looks like a medium-long hook, did you make it yourself?

Re: Despertador Videos

PostPosted: Mon Dec 13, 2010 3:45 pm
by despertador
no entiendo exactamente a cual te refieres, en esta apertura he utilizado 3 ganzuas.
I do not deal exactly to which you refer, in this opening I have used 3 picklocks.
la de arriba es una "jorlan´s" una replica de una ganzua hecha por un excelente picker de españa ( ya fallecido)
la de en medio es una "levi´s" una super - ganzua fabricada en titanio y fibra de carbono, es una autentica maravilla.
y la de abajo una "southord"
Her of above it is a "jorlan's" a reply of a picklock done by an excellent picker of españa (already deceased)
Her of in way it is a "levi's" one super - picklock made of titanium and carbon fiber, is a certification marvel.
And her of below a "southord"

DOM IX de Hunter

PostPosted: Wed Dec 15, 2010 3:08 pm
by despertador
hola a todos.
dejo esta apertura, espero que hos guste, me lo mandaron al empezar a trabajar con ganzuas y me costo bastante abrirlo, ahora no tiene secretos pero antes me hizo sudar...

Hello to all.
I leave this opening, wait that hos pleases, they ordered it me when enough cost started working with picklocks and me opening it, now it does not have secrets but before it made me sweat...

Re: Despertador Videos

PostPosted: Tue Jan 04, 2011 8:06 am
by despertador
hola de nuevo, aqui os dejo dos aperturas de sargent, espero que os gusten.
un saludo y feliz año!!
Hello again, here I leave two openings you of sargent, hope that you like.
A greeting and happy year!!

Re: Despertador Videos

PostPosted: Tue Jan 04, 2011 9:59 pm
by piotr
despertador wrote:no entiendo exactamente a cual te refieres, en esta apertura he utilizado 3 ganzuas.
I do not deal exactly to which you refer, in this opening I have used 3 picklocks.
la de arriba es una "jorlan´s" una replica de una ganzua hecha por un excelente picker de españa ( ya fallecido)
la de en medio es una "levi´s" una super - ganzua fabricada en titanio y fibra de carbono, es una autentica maravilla.
y la de abajo una "southord"
Her of above it is a "jorlan's" a reply of a picklock done by an excellent picker of españa (already deceased)
Her of in way it is a "levi's" one super - picklock made of titanium and carbon fiber, is a certification marvel.
And her of below a "southord"

Hola Despertador,

Thank-you for posting your videos. I enjoy seeing lock pickers from around the world: different picks, different picking styles and different locks. Don't worry (no se preocupe) about your English, with pictures and videos it is good enough. You are a skilled lock picker.

The "Jorlan" pick looks like a type of rake pick (made from windscreen wiper insert?). There are many good lock pickers from Spain on YouTube such as "El Gorgon". Is locksport popular in Spain? Do most Spanish lockpickers make their own tools?

The "Levi" pick is interesting. The only other titanium pick that I know of is the Bogota "Titan" (

Felíz año nuevo! (Happy New Year)

Re: Despertador Videos

PostPosted: Wed Jan 05, 2011 4:29 am
by despertador
piotr wrote:
Hola Despertador,

Thank-you for posting your videos. I enjoy seeing lock pickers from around the world: different picks, different picking styles and different locks. Don't worry (no se preocupe) about your English, with pictures and videos it is good enough. You are a skilled lock picker.

The "Jorlan" pick looks like a type of rake pick (made from windscreen wiper insert?). There are many good lock pickers from Spain on YouTube such as "El Gorgon". Is locksport popular in Spain? Do most Spanish lockpickers make their own tools?

The "Levi" pick is interesting. The only other titanium pick that I know of is the Bogota "Titan" (

Felíz año nuevo! (Happy New Year)

Gracias por tus comentarios piotr,
la "jorlan" si, es de limpiaparabrisas, eso no es ningun invento, lo genial que tenia es que las formas que este hombre le daba eran tremendamente efectivas.
las ganzuas "levi"... para mi son los "ferrari" de las ganzuas, las hace un artesano con una dedicacion envidiable
la verdad es que hay mucha aficion en España y buenos lockpickers, y excepto los "perezosos" como yo... muchos se fabrican sus propias herramientas.
Thank you for your comments piotr,
The "jorlan" if, it is of windscreen-wiper, it is not ningun invention, the brilliant thing that tape-worm is that the forms that this man was giving him were tremendously effective.
The picklocks "levi" ... for my sound the "ferrari" of the picklocks, it makes them a craftsman with an enviable dedication
The truth is that there is many interest in Spain and good lockpickers, and except the "lazy ones" as I ... many make his own tools.

ABUS ( falso core) - ABUS (false core)

PostPosted: Wed Jan 05, 2011 3:14 pm
by despertador
hoy dejo este abus, a ver si os gusta.

Today I leave this abus, to seeing if you like it.


PostPosted: Sun Jan 09, 2011 11:55 am
by despertador
bueno, la verdad es que estoy desilusionado ya que veo que mis videos no atraen vuestro interes...
quizas tengo que entender que no son del nivel requerido, pero como no he recibido comentarios ni a favor ni en contra, ni he recibido correcion alguna pues la verdad es que siento inutil la publicacion de mas mensages.
espero que encontreis interesante este post, a mi la verdad que me costo bastante trabajo investigar sobre este cilindro, que me parecia muy complicado.
un saludo!
Good, the truth is that I am disillusioned since I see that my videoes do not attract your interest...
Probably I have to understand that they are not of the needed level, but since I neither have received comments not to favor not in against, nor have received any properness since the truth is that I sit uselessly the publication of mas messages.
I wait that encontreis interesting this post, to my truth that me cost enough work to investigate on this cylinder, that me parecia very complicated.
A greeting!

apertura y desmontaje del primero - Opening and disassembly of the first one

apertura y desmontaje del segundo - Opening and disassembly of the second one

si le interesa a alguien, tambien tengo la gabacion del montaje de este ultimo
If he is interested in it, also I have the gabacion of the assembly of this one finalize