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So you're in the kitchen...

PostPosted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 9:55 am
by HallisChalmers your skivvies...minding your own business, whipping up a really nice chocolate souffle. Suddenly, and without warning, gaily dressed ninjas in tight spandex attack you from out of nowhere! :freakout:

What do you do? Dial 911? Run for the door, screaming hysterically? :spinning:

Hell no, you dim wit! :idea: You calmly reach down behind the front of your tactical apron gun holster and whip out your Roscoe - plugging the little fairy ninjas with selected portions of hot lead and copper jacketed hollow point .45 caliber slugs! :uzi:

Case closed.


Chocolate Souffle: 2
Fairy Ninjas: 0, Zed, Nil

Now fetch me the big knife so we can skin these little bastards.

Re: So you're in the kitchen...

PostPosted: Tue Jun 22, 2010 10:57 pm
by ChicoSlim803