Members Say Hi
Please take a few minutes to introduce yourself, tell us a few things about your hobby interests(or post a picture if you want) and welcome to KeyPicking!
Re: Members Say Hi
Yeah i do believe everyone here knows me. but yes, the name is Josh.
picture will arrive soon...
picture will arrive soon...
Re: Members Say Hi
good to see ya usmc.
Re: Members Say Hi
usmcboltaction you look pretty hardcore, i'll be keeping you close to hand so if anyone gets outa line you can give them a good beasting
Re: Members Say Hi
haha, a good ass whooping in a nut shell
Re: Members Say Hi
name's collin by the way and hahaha i wouldnt mind a spell check either what kind of specs uncle buck? hahahaha
Re: Members Say Hi
haha, i'll try and get one on the board but no promises
Re: Members Say Hi
i might give myself some sweet shades then....
Re: Members Say Hi
haha, you gotta love it
Re: Members Say Hi
Whats up people, I'm Chip, I'll get the banner/signature and all that good stuff up soon. Anyway most of you know me but for those who don't I'm 20 and I'm a technician, I work on electronics for a living and I pick locks for fun.
Re: Members Say Hi
Hey I kinda like how there is no Thank/Groan button, that shit was getting annoying it was a big popularity contest or something.
Re: Members Say Hi
agreed. and dude, thats awesome!
Re: Members Say Hi
ChipShuhart wrote:Hey I kinda like how there is no Thank/Groan button, that Sh!t was getting annoying it was a big popularity contest or something.
popularity contest that somehow i came out very high in :] haha, mainly for my security pin list.
Re: Members Say Hi
Hi guys, great to see so many familiar faces here !!!! Sure this place will go from strength to strength, so congratulations for getting another much needed place of sanctuary up and running.
Btw for those using Firefox, if you have the dictionary installed there is automatic spelling checking as you type ... smiles are a little ragged but a small issue.
Btw for those using Firefox, if you have the dictionary installed there is automatic spelling checking as you type ... smiles are a little ragged but a small issue.
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