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Abloy Protec padlock core gutted.

PostPosted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 12:46 am
by Riyame
Hello, I decided to gut my protec core just for shiggles.

I only had a reading lamp for a light source, so some of the pictures may be a little dark. If anybody has any requests for different pictures, or a closeup of something let me know and I will do my best to accommodate your request.

As per usual, I did not resize pictures, so click them to get bigger ones, and again for really big ones.


Here is the bar that prevents the plug from turning in the padlock until the correct key is inserted. This fits into a small channel on the inside of the lock and when the key is rotated 90 degrees, the discs rotate and allow the bar to sink in, and another 90 degrees opens the padlock.

Here is where that bar fits into the padlock. You can see how it prevents the plug from rotating until the discs have been lined up and the bar is retracted.

This is the profile disc, which determines which key can be used. This is the "standard" A7A keyway, which can be copied by any retailer, assuming you have the keytags etc.

This is part of the key retaining feature that helps prevent damage to the discs should you try to force out the key.
The first picture is unturned, and the second picture is turned. You can see in the second picture, a little notch behind the key on the left side where one of the tabs sits when unturned.

This is a key "guide". It keeps the key straight as well as helps to reduce wear on the discs. Perhaps also helps prevent picking? The 2 little holes in the top are where the key retaining tabs fit onto.
Here it is removed.
And with a key inserted.

In this picture, you can see the detailed guts. On the bottom side is where the bar that blocks rotation in the lock sits. The 2 rods on the upper left and right are part of the security, but Im not sure of the terms or how exactly they work. When the correct key is inserted 90 degrees, the 2 bars contact on the right side, and the bar on the bottom is allowed to push in.
Key rotated

The empty core

This clip has a tab that fits into the same slot as the bar that blocks turning. Its job is to keep the plug straight I assume. It does not interact with anything else in the lock.
In place:
Removed, along with those 2 rods in the upper left and right corners:

The discs and spacers. every 2nd disc is a washer/spacer to ensure that each disc rotates by itself and freely as well and holding the bar that prevents rotation in place.

Now if you get here and a sibling, spouse, cat etc comes along and decides to make you play 52 pickup..... :akimbo:

Now looking over the pictures, there are a few that I forgot, mainly of the bar that stops rotation, and the little collar that holds the profile disc into place. :oops: (Blame it on being a noob :lol: )
Some other variations/models of the protec have little ball bearings instead of tabs for the key retaining bits, and others have parts that this one does not and vice versa.

Thank you for looking I hope you enjoyed. Peace.

Edit: Added a picture of the core in the lock.

Re: Abloy Protec padlock core gutted.

PostPosted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 1:48 am
by MBI
Nice work on the breakdown. That must have taken quite some time to put it all together, upload everything and write it all out.

Re: Abloy Protec padlock core gutted.

PostPosted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 1:57 am
by Riyame
Thanks. It didn't take too long, I think i got everything done in about 45 minutes. Took a while trying to decide which pictures to take. :p

Re: Abloy Protec padlock core gutted.

PostPosted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 7:42 am
by macgng
Hmmm the protect isn't much different than the classic abloy 341 I took apart. Hmmm....

Re: Abloy Protec padlock core gutted.

PostPosted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 4:17 pm
by darkhorse
definitely witchcraft is all that......amazing stuff

Re: Abloy Protec padlock core gutted.

PostPosted: Wed Oct 19, 2011 1:40 pm
by Oldfast
Completely unfamiliar with Abloy, so this was interesting to see. Thanks for the break-down Eric.

Re: Abloy Protec padlock core gutted.

PostPosted: Wed Oct 19, 2011 1:49 pm
by uklockpicker
Nice one :hbg: thanks for sharing the guts :geek: gr8 post :ugeek: