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1959 Mosler Safe - Handle points in the wrong direction




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Post Sat Dec 26, 2020 2:35 pm

1959 Mosler Safe - Handle points in the wrong direction

Hey guys, Im new here and this looks like a pretty decent group. I was hoping someone might be able to help me out here.
I got a Mosler safe (serial 14054-142, item 277, year 1959. Info from the plate on the top right corner of the door).
I have the combination and can open it just fine. The problem is the handle that I use to unlock the bolts is pointing in the wrong direction when the safe is closed. It literally is pointing over the combination dial when it is locked, then when opened, rotates off of the combination dial.

I have had the safe now for 4+ years. I dont think it was like this when I originally picked it up.
Is it possible the kids (3 and 5 years old) playing with it could have screwed it up? (They call it the money store :)
Can I take apart the door and fix it easily?
Let me know if pictures would help.
Inside dimension measure 24w x 38h.
Any other info you could share on this safe would be appreciated. I am curious to the weight of it, it is a heavy son of a gun!



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Post Sat Dec 26, 2020 3:48 pm

Re: 1959 Mosler Safe - Handle points in the wrong direction

Yes, pics ALWAYS help. You can fix it . Take rear door plate off and post pic.
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Post Sat Dec 26, 2020 4:20 pm

Re: 1959 Mosler Safe - Handle points in the wrong direction


I took off the nut the arrow is pointed to. I then tried to gently tap it with a hammer/punch, but it didnt want to move. Do I need to remove more parts? THANKS!
What is all the grey stuff on the back of the door? Fire rated?



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Post Sat Dec 26, 2020 7:17 pm

Re: 1959 Mosler Safe - Handle points in the wrong direction

Problem solved. I had to work the diamond plate off after removing the nut. After that I could freely spin the handle and set it to the position required. This forum was full of info!

Now to change the combination finally :)


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Post Sun Dec 27, 2020 2:04 pm

Re: 1959 Mosler Safe - Handle points in the wrong direction

Whatever you do, try the combination and the bolt work a few times with the door OPEN before locking the safe again.

Cheers :)



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Post Sun Dec 27, 2020 2:17 pm

Re: 1959 Mosler Safe - Handle points in the wrong direction

I tried it at least 5 times before closing the door :)

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