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ABUS 83CS/50 Padlock

PostPosted: Fri Jun 12, 2009 7:14 am
by Johno

I have an ABUS 83CS/50 Padlock that is locked and has no keys. I can't use padlock shims on there to unlock it as can't reach the shackle etc. Is this padlock capable of being picked by an eagle manaul pick or a klom electric pick?

Re: ABUS 83CS/50 Padlock

PostPosted: Fri Jun 12, 2009 7:17 am
by awol70
Johno wrote:Hi,

I have an ABUS 83CS/50 Padlock that is locked and has no keys. I can't use padlock shims on there to unlock it as can't reach the shackle etc. Is this padlock capable of being picked by an eagle manaul pick or a klom electric pick?

short hook.
and even without the shroud,dual-ball locking mechs ,such as within your lock
(as to the best of my knowledge)cannot be shimmed.
EZ false, SPP your way from there.

Re: ABUS 83CS/50 Padlock

PostPosted: Fri Jun 12, 2009 2:09 pm
by the lockpickkid
Keypicking is my home but I still wonder over to lp101 just to skim information, I can't help but see that even over there you post all the time about what you can, can't and want to to with your pick guns and electric picks, why don't you learn how to pick a lock with regular picks? You have even wanted to bump locks, there is no satisfaction in bumping a lock to death, this isn't even picking, if you really want to learn how to pick locks, learn with regular picks, after you know what locks do and feel like you will have better luck with those electric and manual guns, but still, in my own opinion, they are not going to be as effective as the good old pick and tension wrench.

Re: ABUS 83CS/50 Padlock

PostPosted: Sat Jun 13, 2009 2:58 am
by Johno
the lockpickkid wrote:Keypicking is my home but I still wonder over to lp101 just to skim information, I can't help but see that even over there you post all the time about what you can, can't and want to to with your pick guns and electric picks, why don't you learn how to pick a lock with regular picks? You have even wanted to bump locks, there is no satisfaction in bumping a lock to death, this isn't even picking, if you really want to learn how to pick locks, learn with regular picks, after you know what locks do and feel like you will have better luck with those electric and manual guns, but still, in my own opinion, they are not going to be as effective as the good old pick and tension wrench.

that's a fair comment. i'm sorry if i have caused offense. i have a southord c500 pick set that i bought 5 or so years ago and have used it to pick mainly wafer locks but can pick my zenith padlock with it. i'm sorry i like manual picking (like when i first picked the padlock i was on top of the world) but love gadgets too! i have recently got an eagle manual and a klom electric (from uklockpickers) and only just got given the abus padlock as the previosu owner lost the keys and it has another metal part on it that he sanpped it onto so I was hoping to pick it asap so I cold get rid of that part. I was only looking for hints'tips to open it quickly to get rid of that. I have tried today with my eagle manual but can't get it open.
Any ideas with either the southord set or the eagle??

i know i will be in the minority here but i doo find satisfaction in opening locks with an electric or manual pick gun. it's like entering cheats in video games. i still find satisfaction even though i have cheated.

once again i apologise if i have caused offense. i was just after some hints/tips

cheers johno

Re: ABUS 83CS/50 Padlock

PostPosted: Sat Jun 13, 2009 3:53 am
by GutterClown
the lockpickkid, what gives?

KeyPicking's moto is "anything and everything about locksport". I don't see "SPP only" in the title anywhere.
Pick guns are a perfectly valid method of opening locks. This person finds the same joy in using a pickgun, that you do in using hand picks.

The question is simple, Can the lock be opened with a pick gun, or electric pick gun.
The answer is not as simple.
Theoretically, yes. Practically, Probably. Realistically, I couldn't say.

Each lock is unique. Just because you can pick your zenith padlock, does not mean Joe Bloggs can. But it doesn't mean you can automatically pick his zenith padlock either.
Manufacturing defects, enviromential attributes, weather conditions, personal skill level. These all play a role in a successful attempt or not.

Secondly, your skill level may not be adequate. To use your terminology, just because it's a godmode cheat, does not mean that you don't need to finish the level.
You still need to learn to use the pickgun, and master it's abilities and usage.

Thirdly, Pick guns work. But each pick gun is unique, some are hard, some are slow. Some people can only use cheap ones, some stand by their costly ones. If you have something that works, great. but don't be afraid to try something different, at least you will have some idea of what works and what works better.

Fouth, your lock will open without a key. The mechanism can be bypassed.
What you have to attain, as a lockpicker, is what method suits you, and what method is best suited to the lock.
If any one single lockpicking method worked on every single lock, there would be no such thing as bumpkeys, or pick guns, or rapping.
The reality is, every lock needs to be observed, investigated, and tested.

This is why as a lockpicker, you need a broad range of knowledge on many different types of manipulation, because training one particular aspect will never open 100% of locks.

Re: ABUS 83CS/50 Padlock

PostPosted: Sat Jun 13, 2009 5:08 am
by uklockpicka
GutterClown wrote:the lockpickkid, what gives?

KeyPicking's moto is "anything and everything about locksport". I don't see "SPP only" in the title anywhere.
Pick guns are a perfectly valid method of opening locks. This person finds the same joy in using a pickgun, that you do in using hand picks.

The question is simple, Can the lock be opened with a pick gun, or electric pick gun.
The answer is not as simple.
Theoretically, yes. Practically, Probably. Realistically, I couldn't say.

Each lock is unique. Just because you can pick your zenith padlock, does not mean Joe Bloggs can. But it doesn't mean you can automatically pick his zenith padlock either.
Manufacturing defects, enviromential attributes, weather conditions, personal skill level. These all play a role in a successful attempt or not.

Secondly, your skill level may not be adequate. To use your terminology, just because it's a godmode cheat, does not mean that you don't need to finish the level.
You still need to learn to use the pickgun, and master it's abilities and usage.

Thirdly, Pick guns work. But each pick gun is unique, some are hard, some are slow. Some people can only use cheap ones, some stand by their costly ones. If you have something that works, great. but don't be afraid to try something different, at least you will have some idea of what works and what works better.

Fouth, your lock will open without a key. The mechanism can be bypassed.
What you have to attain, as a lockpicker, is what method suits you, and what method is best suited to the lock.
If any one single lockpicking method worked on every single lock, there would be no such thing as bumpkeys, or pick guns, or rapping.
The reality is, every lock needs to be observed, investigated, and tested.

This is why as a lockpicker, you need a broad range of knowledge on many different types of manipulation, because training one particular aspect will never open 100% of locks.

You metioned in that reply gutterclown, something about rapping. What is this and how does it work ????


Re: ABUS 83CS/50 Padlock

PostPosted: Sat Jun 13, 2009 5:28 am
by GutterClown
Rapping is a technique mostly used when rekeying pin-tumbler locks, but can also be used on some padlocks.

The method usually involves a cylinder removed from a housing, at the stage where the plug needs to be removed from the barrel.
Without keys, shimming or picking are the most often thought of ways to turn the plug.

Rapping uses a pushing pressure on the end of the plug to push it out of the barrel once the pins are at the sheerline, rather than turning it as you would in normal picking. By hitting the bible of a cylinder against a wooden block, or by hitting the cylinder in your hand with a wooden mallet, while holding slight pushing force, the pins will all get caught at the sheerline, just as with normal picking. If too much pressure is used, the plug will jump out an entire pin-spacing, relocking it in place, one space out. At this point, you must re-rap it back the other way, with pressure pushing the plug INTO the barrel.

This technique is quick when it works. I've found it works on about 70% of locks.
Two or three whacks and it will turn. If not, I shim it. It saves a lot of time when you're doing a lot of locks.

Re: ABUS 83CS/50 Padlock

PostPosted: Sat Jun 13, 2009 7:17 am
by the lockpickkid
I wasn't trying to be offensive, I just think more people learning how to pick would get more info if they learned to pick before learning to operate a pick gun thats all, I think it gives you more info about a lock, the way it feels when you have set a pin. Thats all

Re: ABUS 83CS/50 Padlock

PostPosted: Sat Jun 13, 2009 2:27 pm
by awol70
GutterClown wrote:Rapping is a technique mostly used when rekeying pin-tumbler locks, but can also be used on some padlocks.

The method usually involves a cylinder removed from a housing, at the stage where the plug needs to be removed from the barrel.
Without keys, shimming or picking are the most often thought of ways to turn the plug.

Rapping uses a pushing pressure on the end of the plug to push it out of the barrel once the pins are at the sheerline, rather than turning it as you would in normal picking. By hitting the bible of a cylinder against a wooden block, or by hitting the cylinder in your hand with a wooden mallet, while holding slight pushing force, the pins will all get caught at the sheerline, just as with normal picking. If too much pressure is used, the plug will jump out an entire pin-spacing, relocking it in place, one space out. At this point, you must re-rap it back the other way, with pressure pushing the plug INTO the barrel.

This technique is quick when it works. I've found it works on about 70% of locks.
Two or three whacks and it will turn. If not, I shim it. It saves a lot of time when you're doing a lot of locks.

so you would want to catch the pins in between their chambers,then rotate?
am i on the right track?
(never tried this....)

Re: ABUS 83CS/50 Padlock

PostPosted: Sat Jun 13, 2009 4:55 pm
by GutterClown
Yes, you push just enough to catch all pins on the sheerline, and push the plug out half a pin spacing.

Grab an old 201 Mortice cylinder, or threaded cylinder, and give it a go.
Just remove any cams \ tailpieces \ circlips, put some pressure on it, and whack it against a wooden block.

Re: ABUS 83CS/50 Padlock

PostPosted: Sat Jun 13, 2009 7:17 pm
by awol70
GutterClown wrote:Yes, you push just enough to catch all pins on the sheerline, and push the plug out half a pin spacing.

Grab an old 201 Mortice cylinder, or threaded cylinder, and give it a go.
Just remove any cams \ tailpieces \ circlips, put some pressure on it, and whack it against a wooden block.

will do...
i will post on how i manage..
(ok, so i rap the top of the bible?,(or rap the bottom of the shell?)
just took all the excess hardware off an old schlage threaded mortice cyl.
thanks a mint for your help....

Re: ABUS 83CS/50 Padlock

PostPosted: Sat Jun 13, 2009 11:16 pm
by GutterClown
Yes, exactly like a bumpkey. You're using enertia to move the top pins.

Swing it towards something wooden, hitting the top of the bible first. the pins will keep traveling, the bottom pins will catch, the top pins will keep going.

Takes a bit to get it the first time.

Re: ABUS 83CS/50 Padlock

PostPosted: Sun Jun 14, 2009 2:38 am
by awol70
GutterClown wrote:Yes, exactly like a bumpkey. You're using enertia to move the top pins.

Swing it towards something wooden, hitting the top of the bible first. the pins will keep traveling, the bottom pins will catch, the top pins will keep going.

Takes a bit to get it the first time.

gotchya....i understand now...
(now to find a mallet or a chunk of hardwood to clamp in a vise...)
mmmmedeco........ :idea:

Re: ABUS 83CS/50 Padlock

PostPosted: Sun Jun 14, 2009 9:18 am
by jruther2
awol70 wrote:(now to find a mallet or a chunk of hardwood to clamp in a vise...)
mmmmedeco........ :idea:
I've seen it done on an american lock body with a five pin medeco core all started with a lock that had the sidebar removed. I had inserted the key, turned it ccw and the drivers dropped down into the sidebar groove and locked everything up. I was clamping the lock onto a vice on the end mill when my friend (more specifically the guy who taught me to pick locks) asked if he could try something before I destroyed it and I of course said yes. He put the lock in his right hand, middle finger through the shackle, thumb on the 1/4 ccw turned key then he slapped the lock(bible side down) on a wooden table and the key turned! This got us started with a method similar to what GC is describing where we held the lock in hand, applied bottom of keyway tension with a small tw and rapped the lock with a rubber mallet. It took some time, effort, skill, and a little luck but the lock opened several times this way. Interestingly enough, while performing this method over and over, we came to the discovery that enough light taps like that will eventually loosen the grub screw and will eventually drop the bible right out of the lock body! Beware, this was a very tedious process and definitely not what I would call a 'go to method' for medeco...but technically, it is possible.

Re: ABUS 83CS/50 Padlock

PostPosted: Thu Jun 18, 2009 4:47 am
by Johno
this is probably a really stupid question but how many pins does the ABUS 83CS/50 Padlock have?