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Greetings from Toronto!

PostPosted: Sat May 11, 2024 5:51 pm
by housecat
Hi there I'm Housecat.

So when I was younger, I found lockpicking101 and wanted to become an apprentice locksmith. Unfortunately, I lived in a smaller city at the time and the locksmiths I visited had no intention to apprentice anyone. There of course is a lot of story behind this, but I'll try and keep it short. Essentially I tried everything to get in there: :reach:

Oh well, anyway in Ontario, Canada, the province where I live, it's an apprenticable trade, under the "College of Trades." I found the textbook they usually prescribe in colleges which essentially covers everything from what a keyway is to master keying and impressioning, I liked the material a lot.

I like the idea of cracking a puzzle to get paid, and have some fun while doing it. Also, there is a long, rich history of lock and pick through history, back to the Ancient Egyptians, and probably back to the Sumarians if we could ever find evidence of it, locking things up is in our protective nature, very human feelings.

Anyway, I was at a meetup from as one does, and this guy comes over and breaks out the practice locks and picks, and he says "anyone wanna try lockpicking" and of course I was like hell yes let's do this thing, and my friend I brought with me was having fun as well, he was taking his time and enjoying things, I was cracking these locks open like noone's business. Of course, as we where doing it, one of the people there says "you know, this reminds me of the time I was in Cambodia..." and of course I bump straight up in the chair :offestdiamond: and wow what a story that was, and I basically was even better when I wasn't concentrating and letting nature take it's course on cracking these open. He got to the point in the story where they had done a bunch of stuff and where wildly hallucinating and I was like wow what a story and I've cracked all the practice locks here.

Anyway I also glaze the topic every now and then, someone selling a lockpick set on a second-hand items website, or I see someone forget their keys, or whatever to drift my attention back to lockpicking.

I'm not a big Discord fan, but I sometimes roll through there and lockpicking101 forums, and now I've found I'll add it to the list, there are some familiar faces (user names) here.

Thank you for reading my post,
