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The Life of a Locksport Community Member



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Post Tue Aug 16, 2011 8:25 pm

The Life of a Locksport Community Member

The Life of a Locksport Community Member

Well i dont write much anymore so i figured id jot some thinkings down for you all to ponder.
Being around as long as i have ive noticed a tredn in how the prominent members of this lovely forum grow and flourish. They grow in set stages that are clearly different from one another and likely have a specific point in that members locksport career that they can recall exactly when they changed from one stage to another. There is no defined timeframe for these stages, these stages can be skipped (rarely) or a member can revert back to an earlier stage then proceed to progress again, all the wile learning and exploring.

Stage 1: Whats That?!?
The "Whats That?!?" stage is the infant stage of the locksport enthusiests life, everyone goes through this stage and there is no shame in being in this stage. This is the time frame when the forum member first joins with little to no knowledge of either how things work around a locksport forum or little knowlege of locks themselvs. It is important that these new blossoming members be treated with respect and encouraged along their path to adultood by our more expierienced members. During the "Whats That?!?" stage members seem to ask ALOT of questions, like; What is a binding order? How do i know when a pin is set? Whats a EVVA? or a plethora of other things that new members simply dont know. Instead of telling them to google it or directing them somewhere else, we need to take the time to answer their questions, no matter how many times we have answered them in the past. This is how we get these members to trust in the community and not their googling ability.

Stage 2: I got this whats next?
During the "I got this whats next?" stage a member has lerned the fundimentals of lockpicking and has mastered the low security lock. They understand how the forum works and are using it to the best of their ability and the learning curve REALLY picks up. They are now moving onto their first master #140 and discerning the binding order of their locks. they are figuring out what counter rotation is and how to use it to overcoms false sets. Now is the time for the mature members to encourage these youngsters as they stagger to a walk. Its the time for watching yt vids and offering encouragement and constructive criticisms. They want to know what the next big challange will be, its our job as the adults in their lives to tell them where to find the next challange and to help them jump that hurtle.

Stage 3: Gimme Gimme Gimme!!!
This stage is VERY popular among the up and coming. The "Gimme Gimme Gimme!!!" stage is where accomplished lockpickers (they can call themselves that now that they knwo what they are doing) are starting into the world of High Security. this is where they build amazing collections. These collections are not a dick measuring contest however, they are a tool belt. there is no winner or loser in the class of collector, there is only who gets to try the new lock and who must wait for the next one to roll by. whoever has the most money, or spends the most time in this stage has the most impressive collection... there is only 1 other way to amass great collections, that is luck. Building a collection takes pride and patience. you dont collect because you have too, you collect because it challanges you and you need to learn more. You learn more by defeating harder more complex locks. I myself stayed in this stage for quite some time before moving on finally. This is the time for the mentoring hobbiest to back off, let them buy locks and get that practace under their belt, only offer help when they ask for it. This is the rewarding time for the mentor, the time to watch these rising members GIVE BACK to the community when they learn something noone noticed before, the time to watch the new members gloat about how they beat their first medeco or they found an emhart for $45.

Stage 4: Here, try this.
This is the stage where the student becomes a mentor, in this stage the up and coming generation has collected till they are content (for now) maybe even started downsizing the locks that they beat so new members can learn from their past success locks. This is the stage when they are on the forum tohelp people, not to learn. That is not to say they will not enjoy learning, everyone here loves it when a new or accomplished member finds something we have not seen and teaches us. But in stages 1 and 2 we do not appreciate it, we add it to the book of other things we are learning and it becomes part of the class, the accomplished stage 4 member is impressed and takes it to heart, even helps with the research where he can. This is your lockpicking adulthood. Usually your collections take a dive, because you not only realize you have too many, but you want to help new members out aswell, sometimes you just need the money... money issues can force you into an early adulthood, when you are forced to stop collecting and start listening, you become an adult by default.

Stage 5: bye...
this is the stage noone wants to see, the stage where we move on and get too busy to log onto a forum and chat every day, we may stop by once a week, or once a month, but we dont come by often. we may even stop picking or just pack it up for awhile... this stage happens eventually... noone likes to see it happen though.

Stage 6: Triumphan Return! (per MBIs response, thanks)
This stage is generally a glorious day for all, when a long lost brother returns to claim his rightful place as one of the greats. You see, sometimes after the member attains greatness and has to leave due to any number of "busy"(stage 5), when the busy is over or when they find more time in their schedual, they can return to the forum they once loved and once again be a mentor to the up and coming generation. if they are gone for such a long time that new techniques and locks are in the hands of the students, the up and comings get the privelage of teaching one of the greats, which is good for everyone involved. often times when the more business locksmith greats return they bring new information for us to learn and study, maybe some safe combination lock or an electronic bypass. So new members, always welcome back the greats, if someone is being treated with much respect and you have never seen them, please check their account before bugging them about who they are.


I myself did not stay in stage one very long due to my access to locks... i had 5200s to practace on... thats it... so i boosted to the later part of stage 2 quickly and then stage 3 after another short time... I stayed there for nearly 3 years... I have finally passed on to my stage 4, not saying i wont jump on a new lock before the new comers realize how rare it is (perks of knowing so damn much) but i have no issues parting with most of my locks and have narrowed my collection down to about 1/3rd its former glory... now it is a managable ammount of locks still worth more than my car.

I feel everyone has a mentor, id have to say mine was the great kokomo, id follow that guy over a cliff if he was picking a lock, but the time has come when i stopped asking questions and started sharing expieriences. granted i did not meet kokomo till nearly stage 3, but that is due to my being orphaned at an early age by another forum :(

alas i see the days when i am nolonger among us coming soon. I see the busy coming like a fraight train and the enevitable is sure to come.

the pick making stages are different entirely and do not factor into this timeline... they are based partly on enjoyment, skill, availability of tools and materials, and lastly necessity.

I hope you all enjoyed this tour in the life of a community locksport enthusiest, come back and visit anytime ;)
Last edited by LocksmithArmy on Tue Aug 16, 2011 9:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post Tue Aug 16, 2011 8:37 pm

Re: The Life of a Locksport Community Member

Great article. I cannot await going through all the stages, and dreading the last one even now.
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Post Tue Aug 16, 2011 8:39 pm

Re: The Life of a Locksport Community Member

Interesting writeup, thanks for posting it.

Don't forget Step 6: The Return.

It doesn't happen often, but there are a small number of members who after step 5, do return after a few months or even a few years, and become active in the hobby again.


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Post Tue Aug 16, 2011 8:40 pm

Re: The Life of a Locksport Community Member

MBI wrote:Interesting writeup, thanks for posting it.

Don't forget Step 6: The Return.

It doesn't happen often, but there are a small number of members who after step 5, do return after a few months or even a few years, and become active in the hobby again.

very good point
thanks :)
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Post Tue Aug 16, 2011 9:08 pm

Re: The Life of a Locksport Community Member

Yeah, I've seen lots of people who have returned after (even very) long hiatuses...

I'm somewhere straddling 3 and 4... but I like to collect things in general, so I'll always have a touch of stage 3. I like to help people too, but people need to listen and not be ingrates, or they won't get help for long from many. I think alot of the stage 4 folks are those who hang out to hang out and shoot the shit, help some new people when they turn up, talk locks from time to time, and mostly seem to talk about almost anything other than lock 2/3rds of the time.

Personally, I have integrated myself very deeply into the community here and have seen so many come and go... some it really sucks to see go, others, no so much.

As far as pick making, lock modding, etc... neccessity doesn't always play a factor. I find it fun personally, and take great pleasure from finding a pick within a piece of metal, or finding a nice cutaway where there once was just a regular lock. But like just like making stuff in general too.

Thanks for your latest installment of sticky bait... it worked.
"Cave ab homine unius libri" - Beware of anyone who has just one book

(2014.02.09 - 23:26:03) huxleypig: i freaking love cream
(2014.02.09 - 23:27:11) huxleypig: hey, come on, cream is nice
(2014.02.09 - 23:27:37) huxleypig: aww, i suddenly feel very sick

(23:37:46) LocksmithArmy: you should see my school girl outfit
(23:37:50) LocksmithArmy: wait... what

(13:19:50) xeo: that chick will never be satisfied by a real dick
(13:19:54) NNFAK: I would man...

(22:59:49) PhoneMan: how do you let a forum die if users keep using it? kill the servers?

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Post Tue Aug 16, 2011 9:14 pm

Re: The Life of a Locksport Community Member

elbowmacaroni wrote:As far as pick making, lock modding, etc... neccessity doesn't always play a factor. I find it fun personally, and take great pleasure from finding a pick within a piece of metal, or finding a nice cutaway where there once was just a regular lock. But like just like making stuff in general too.

Thanks for your latest installment of sticky bait... it worked.

thats why necessity is last for pick making, many members do make picks cause they cant buy them for whatever reason though, those are the ones that fall under necessity... lock modding is really just for the fun of it, nomatter how you look at it its too hard to do to be doing it for any other reason lol. sometimes its to make the lock more challanging or to challange others, or (for me) just to see if i can... but ultimately its for the fun of it.

sticky bait lol, i was eatin chinese food when i started pondering this, thought id write it down lol, this and an important email... see the stuff i get done when my family is away :)
I miss them so much :(
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Post Tue Aug 16, 2011 9:33 pm

Re: The Life of a Locksport Community Member

Yeah, family away sux...

No, not sticky rice bait!
"Cave ab homine unius libri" - Beware of anyone who has just one book

(2014.02.09 - 23:26:03) huxleypig: i freaking love cream
(2014.02.09 - 23:27:11) huxleypig: hey, come on, cream is nice
(2014.02.09 - 23:27:37) huxleypig: aww, i suddenly feel very sick

(23:37:46) LocksmithArmy: you should see my school girl outfit
(23:37:50) LocksmithArmy: wait... what

(13:19:50) xeo: that chick will never be satisfied by a real dick
(13:19:54) NNFAK: I would man...

(22:59:49) PhoneMan: how do you let a forum die if users keep using it? kill the servers?

May those who love us, love us; and those who don't love us, may God turn their hearts; and if He doesn't turn their hearts, may he turn their ankles so we'll know them by their limping

If someone had prince albert in a can, does that mean they'd have a killer codpiece?

(00:52:02) WolfSpring: elbow could sell a sandbox to an egyptian


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Post Wed Aug 17, 2011 7:46 am

Re: The Life of a Locksport Community Member

elbowmacaroni wrote:Yeah, I've seen lots of people who have returned after (even very) long hiatuses...

My hiatus isn't long, but it still works!
Nemo Malus Felix


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Post Wed Aug 17, 2011 10:58 am

Re: The Life of a Locksport Community Member

I've kind of lost my bloodthirsty addiction to buying locks on ebay... and I rarely make videos nowadays. Honestly I got kind of bored. I don't speak in any of my videos, and honestly nobody really gives a shit enough (general population) to watch it. I still have a good grip of locks that just absolutely kick my ass (shit like the mother fucking RR BRINK MOGUL totally not able to be picked using any logical method unless you get lucky or disassemble it and pick each pinstack individually :crazy: , an ASSA d12 which is just downright fucking impossible without some extremely specialized tool... :bird: a worn out ASSA Twin 6000 from hell :whip: ). So... fuck dimple locks and disc locks... the locks I want to pick that are left are just about impossible to find in the USA. So I've kind of put this psychotic picking spree to rest for now. I do still pick... I like keep my skills polished. I'll break out the random Medeco and give it a good beatdown every once and a while. I feel that I've gave back a significant ammount to Keypicking members in terms of help. I've helped lots of people personally or by them reading my Medeco or ASSA Twin how to posts. You won't catch me on here as much as I was before mainly because I have too many new video games to play. :ugeek:

My free time now mostly consists of disconnecting people's crown chakrahs with a large katana on Team Fortress 2.... it really never gets old.

The code is hidden in the tumblers. One position opens the lock, another position opens one of these doors...



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Post Wed Aug 17, 2011 11:51 am

Re: The Life of a Locksport Community Member

I have been a member here since May, 2008 and was a member of ezpicking before that. I have come and gone through the lockpicking through the years, started out picking alot then tapered off, now with my life in havoc I don't pick much unless it's for money. I never really got the grasp yet for high security picking, I am just not successful at it, so sometimes now I feel like I don't fit in here, everybody is picking these crazy locks now. I will be here forever though, just not as frequent. The timeline you made LSA, it's correct, picking is all done in phases. I never got into the phase where I had to buy every lock I seen though. Not enough money for all that expensive stuff!
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Post Wed Aug 17, 2011 12:20 pm

Re: The Life of a Locksport Community Member

xeo, I watch your videos but they are too quiet JK
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Post Wed Aug 17, 2011 1:51 pm

Re: The Life of a Locksport Community Member

That is a really good bio. I share a lot of the same paths you took. Here is how my progression went and is still on going

Got into the online community LP101/ EZpicking/ Invited here when EZP closed

Bought everything I could locks tools etc

Went to locksmith school

Started a part time business as a full service locksmith

Got involved in my local 2600 club talking about picking sharing info etc

I made a bunch of you tube videos picking HS locks with specialty tools by-passing with tools I have owned but I never edited them or got around to uploading them then when my laptop HD crashed. I mostly shared them with the 2600 group.

Tried making tools but failed

Life got really busy real quick was promoted went to Afghanistan for a year

No time for full service so I just do lockouts now mostly and collect tools/locks

Sold most of my full service gear

Decided to try tool making again but it requires another big investment still saving my pennies and brass shavings
for a mini mill and lathe. I mainly want to make Falle style tools, and by-pass tools, I gave up on trying to make picks

Still buying tools I don't need and already have/trying to consolidate my tool set into one pelican case doing more with less

Now I want to get into safe manipulation something I started in the past but put on the back burner because of initial cost.

Selling most of my extra tools and HS locks to fund buying safe gear/tools I don't need, and locks that I have never owned

I still enjoy keeping up to date and reading all of the developments going on here. Tool making here has gone crazy and I am very impressed by the quality of tools being made here by KP members

I enjoy the conversations and BSing with lock sport people, there is a ton of knowledge and experience here. I really enjoy the atmosphere, members, and KP team.


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Post Wed Aug 17, 2011 4:24 pm

Re: The Life of a Locksport Community Member

LSA!! This is a great write-up with some wonderful observations & thoughts. Thanks so much for taking time to put it into words & post it. I'm certain this will enhance everyone's experience on the forum! Reading this got me even more excited about picking than I already am (which is very hard to do..lol). Several things stood out to me....

I loved your thoughts on the "What's that?!" stage. I get VERY excited for the 'newbie' that's just getting started into this absolutely wonderful hobby. I'll do whatever I can to help this person, just as so many are doing for me! All too often, people forget that at one time, they didn't know either! Here's a classic - "What's that little hole for next to the keyway?" Straight answers & lots of encouragement does wonders at this stage of the game. I mean really.. it takes far less time to type "drainage hole" than it does for some of the smart-ass remarks I've seen. Even worse than telling someone to "learn to use the search" is when someone thinks it's funny to say "a special tool goes in it to open the lock". These statements are belittling & make a person feel stupid (I do a fine job with stupid & need no additional support in this department... thank you very much LOL). All in all, NOT a warm, welcoming feeling to say the least. So far, not ONCE have I seen such things on this forum... props to everyone here!!! I feel very privileged to have met all of you through this hobby, and consider many to be good, good friends.

Stage 3 "Gimme, gimme, gimme" whooohoooOOO! What a severely addicting & extraordinarily exciting time!! This is the "pink cloud" of lockpicking that, I'd imagine, could be rode for some years. The thrill of the hunt... the thirst for more, new, and better challenges... and the ass-kickin' adrenaline rushes recieved from defeating things you NEVER thought possible. Considering my dining-room table was just recently moved into my lockroom for expansion... hahaaa... I may very well fall somewhere into this stage. Honestly though, I really do feel like an infant in this game of picking. The lack of knowledge & the many untouched locks is one of the many things that keeps me so excited though!

If I may be so bold (as an infant) to offer my 2 cents to the 'newbie'. Two indispensable qualities for lockpickin - humility & patience. Make a conscious effort to swallow your ego and be truly humble. Couple this with patience... and your learning curve will shorten 10-fold. And, try to enjoy the journey just as much as the destination.

Also, even though you might appreciate someone, be sure to take the time to let them know it! Let them know how much you've enjoyed & learned from their work, and encourage them to keep it up. If it wasn't for people like that, I wouldn't know shit. Youtube is also an indispensable library of info. When subbing to a channel, try watching ALL of someone's vids... not just their 'new releaseses'. There's literally hundreds of unwatched videos within the channels I'm subscribed to, but I watch a few more whenever I can.

And XEO, allow me to inflate your head just a bit... lol... You are a fuckin' all-star in my book. The "Caped Medeco Master", one of the "all time greats" of lockpicking! You continue to amaze me, and I thoroughly enjoy watching & learning from you. When you slaughter a lock on camera like you do, there's really no need for words. lol. Plus, I like your cat.
" Enjoy the journey AS MUCH as the destination."


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Post Wed Aug 17, 2011 4:40 pm

Re: The Life of a Locksport Community Member

I really enjoy reading your responses. its nice to hear stories about others lockpicking life and how they got started, and give input into this ever growing community.

how did you get into lockpicking?
ill be honest... i started soooo long ago i dont remember, easily over 10 years ago i got that urge... the urge came back in iraq cause i was bored... at first (in middle school) i was reading old textfile posts, being too young to understand forums at the time. in iraq i joined lp101 sourrounded by my 5200s and got little help more than do a search... which i did and weeks later found the answers i was needing to pop my first lock in many many years... then it went down hill hard core. then i found the great kp... which kept this hobbie alive in my heart for sooo long... i lost the interest at lp quickly cause noone there pushes you to the next level... i honestly see nothing happen over there (i do return often) but here we are always seeing whos opening new locks and what the HOT lock is at the time...
Kovy popped a medeco the other day... thats great news, he should be proud... he is a member at lp but i bet that forum does not know...

its like a family hear, not just a work/learning environment... we care ;)
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Post Wed Aug 17, 2011 10:05 pm

Re: The Life of a Locksport Community Member

I'm at the point where I consider myself a 4.5-er....I've pretty much cooled on the collection and picking aspect of the sport and just want to sit back and see what new ideas some of you come up with. I by no means consider myself a world class picker - just a run of the mill little slug that enjoys slithering along with fellow lockpicking gastropods.

Nonetheless, I do think we have a fine group of members that make an extra effort to help and encourage the average newcomer along. I also enjoy reading these types of posts - as many of you are very talented writers.

One half of learning is knowing how to teach - and I do think that a lot of you have a natural ability to communicate to your fellow pickers vast technical concepts and ideas that are difficult to put into words - and yet you do find a way to do it without a tinge of condescension and ego.

Well done and thanks to all of the members of the forum.


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